Do you think you’ll sell more if you become a better closer? I doubt it!

Medical sales reps often say that the secret to success in medical sales is becoming a “good closer.”  REALLY?  I don’t think so!  In this episode of the medical sales guru podcast Mace Horoff describes why that won’t work for you and what you need to do instead.  It’s time to put that old conventional wisdom to rest.  Listen now…


Proactively Facing Medical Sales Challenges With The Affordable Care Act Before It’s Too Late

Obamacare is here.  Love it or hate it, it is what it is and if you sell to healthcare, you’re going to be affected.  Though you might not be reeling from the changes because they’re being phased in over time, you certainly don’t have the luxury of ignoring what’s happening behind the scenes in your accounts.  Listen as medical sales expert Mace Horoff reveals the important actions you must take proactively to not only protect your business in the future, but also to create the opportunities for sales growth.


Medical Sales Reps…Your Managers Must Fire You If You Don’t Do This!

The first step in a changing healthcare industry is to make sure you’re having regular, relevant conversations with your customers.  What is the definition of relevant in 2013?  Find out in this podcast…or risk the wrath of an industry that has diminishing patience and interest for product-oriented conversations.


Medical Sales: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you…and make sure you know which hand that is!

Since the beginning of selling, salespeople have cozied-up to those who had the power to say “yes.”  Not a bad strategy, unless you happen to be selling in medical sales today.  Everything is changing and I’m finding that many who work in the business of selling to healthcare, have been biting the hand that feeds them.  Listen as Mace discusses what you should be doing NOW, before it’s too late.


When medical sales reps focus on the wrong risk

Medicine is fraught with risk.  Life has risk.  Everything, at some level has risk…but risk avoidance doesn’t drive success.  In this Medical Sales Guru Podcast, Mace talks about some of the common risks expressed by medical sales representatives and how to shift the focus onto something that you need to be focused on even more.


The Changing Relevancy of the Medical Sales Representative

What is making the medical sales representative irrelevant?  How can you remain relevant as a medical sales professional.  In this episode of The Medical Sales Guru Podcast, medical sales performance expert Mace Horoff describes what is changing and what you can do about it.  Is it worth 7 minutes of your time to stay ahead of the change or will you wait until it’s too late?


Want the magic bullet for medical sales? It’s your ability to do this…

I get calls every week asking me how to handle different situations.  Most of the time, I have some suggestions, but no action that you take is guaranteed, except for, continuing to take action!  But you need to understand that the path ahead is not so clear and the magic bullet you’re looking for may never again exist.  Listen for more…


How to Un-Level the Playing Field in the New Era of Medical Sales “No Gift Giving”

Whether it’s the Holidays, or any other day of the year, if you sell to physicians, hospitals, clinics or wherever–you’re probably thrilled that the “No-Gift” policies of recent years have unburdened you and provided a level playing field. Guess what?  The playing field will never be level, nor should it be.  You should focus on unleveling the playing field every day.  Listen as Mace Horoff shares some thoughts on how how you can keep “gifting” your patients.


If you agree that The Patient Always Comes First, then why are you talking about YOU?

I always end each podcast with, “The patient always comes first.” Most medical reps agree with the sentiment, although few actually sell from this perspective.  Focusing on the patient needs to be more than just lip service! Listen to the podcast and learn how a patient-centered sales approach can make a huge difference in how you are perceived by your customers.


The FREE Podcast for Medical Sales Professionals