All posts by Mace Horoff


There is ONE THING that medical sales representatives MUST do to be relevant and SELL MORE in 2021…

Medical sales professionals had their world turned upside down in 2020. Sure, some things are the same, but most HCPs are viewing their jobs through a different lens. This can be bad news for medical reps who just keep working the territory as before, but…

Medical reps who know, understand and leverage the strategy that’s discussed here will find more opportunities in their territories than ever before. Want to know what it is? Don’t miss this important key as you move into 2021 and beyond!

Learn how you can sell more to HCPs and healthcare at


Conversation with Badger Maps CEO Steve Benson on Selling During and After COVID-19

medical sales during covid-19

Steve Benson is the founder and CEO of Badger Maps, an incredible software that allows outside sales reps to work their territories with maximal efficiency. Steve’s company has access to data from over 5,000 companies – data that tells a story about how sales has changed since COVID-19 appeared in the U.S.

In this special edition of the Medical Sales Guru Podcast and Medical Sales Channel, I interview Steve about changes in the sales landscape and what sales reps should be doing right now to prepare for the post-COVID world. Enjoy and benefit from Steve’s unique perspective!

If you prefer to watch the interview, you can watch it here.


Focus on the patient and sell more!

Medical sales reps often forget why they do what they do. Sure, you sell to earn a commission, but ultimately it’s to make a difference for the patient or those that treat patients. If you stay focused that “the patient always comes first,” you’ll elevate yourself and your products in your customers’ eyes.

Listen to this short podcast episode to learn how to leverage the power of a patient focus.

Click Here to Register for our FREE webinar masterclass next Wednesday:
“How to Sell More ALMOST IMMEDIATELY By Changing The Sales Story You Tell Healthcare Professionals… Without Being a Pushy Sales Rep”


The Big Mistake of bribing your way into physician offices with food

Medical sales representatives often use food as an access method to physicians’, dentists’, and other HCPs’ offices. Will it get you in? Yes. But in most ways, it’s counterproductive and weakens your value. Here’s why and how to gain access in ways that help, not hinder, the sale.

For more information about the webinar masterclass discussed in the video, CLICK HERE


Overcoming Customers’ Perception of Your Youth & Inexperience

If you’re new to medical sales and on the young side of the age curve, a challenge might be establishing credibility. In fact, establishing creditability is not necessarily a function of age (pay attention you older and more experienced reps!). This is a common concern. I get asked about it often. And it IS a REAL ISSUE.

So, have a seat, turn up the volume and listen as I discuss this important subject.

You can also listen on iTunes. Just search “The Medical Sales Guru Podcast.” BTW, it would be really cool and most appreciated if you could leave a review, so Thank You!

For more information about the complimentary masterclass mentioned at the end of the video, please Click Here.


If your biggest problem is gatekeepers, you have bigger problems

When I’m delivering live workshops, the challenge that comes up over and over again is…you guessed it – getting past gatekeepers. This challenge is really a sign of a bigger, more urgent problem that needs to be solved.

Sales managers, pay attention!

Please share your thoughts in the comments. Thanks!

CLICK HERE TO learn how to close THE GAPS in your medical sales approach and sell more.


Medical sales reps: you are the brand

Medical sales representatives who represent products with strong brands have confidence. A known brand can get you in the door. But here’s something only skilled, successful medical sales reps know and understand: As a medical sales rep, YOU are the brand.

I discuss this important concept and more in this week’s Medical Sales Guru Podcast.

Attend a free webinar masterclass on Wednesday to learn how to change the medical sales conversation to engage and sell more. CLICK HERE to register and for more information.


Medical sales reps: Are your customers “cheating” on You?

This week, the Medical Sales Guru Podcast looks at a heart-breaker: That pain you experience when you learn your customers are flirting…or cheating with the competition. It’s going to happen, and you’re not going to like it. Deal with it! That’s what this episode is about – a light-hearted look at your need to get real with this part of the business.

Medical sales is tough. Why go it alone. Get training and ongoing support on your journey. Click Here for More Info.


Banning medical sales reps from the operating room – it’s not the worst thing…

Medical sales representatives who sell products used in the operating room tend to freak out a bit when they hear reports of sales reps being banned in the O.R. Could this happen? Yes, in fact, it’s happening already. But before you think this is all gloom and doom, take a moment to consider what this really means – and most importantly how it can be an opportunity for you. That’s what I talk about in this video podcast.

Learn to differentiate yourself and your products with HCPs so you sell more. Go to
