It’s either the end of the year, the beginning of the year, or somewhere between the two. Medical sales representatives sometimes find themselves stuck…it’s as if the territory hard drive has crashed. No problem – ReBoot!
Here’s how to do it so you can keep your selling desktop clear all year long.
Trust. It can take years to develop and only a moment to destroy it.
In medical sales, trust is everything. Everything.
Take a few moments to learn how to create and maintain trust as a medical sales professional. Click the play button below to listen to this episode of The Medical Sales Guru Podcast.
You can also listen on iTunes.
Get a FREE Video Mini Training Course:
“How to Create & Sell Irresistible Value in Medical Sales.” CLICK HERE FOR FREE COURSE ACCESS
Chances are, you have some excellent products…maybe even amazing ones. But…your customers aren’t even aware. Maybe it’s because the ROI for selling is low, or the prep work to sell seems too involved.
In this short podcast episode, Mace discusses why some medical reps fail to sell good products and offers some ideas to get the ball rolling in your territory.
You can also listen on iTunes…and if you do, could you leave a comment? Thanks!
Sell to distinguish you, your company, and your products (because you’re not going to convert difficult accounts any other way).
Recent disasters have interrupted lives, businesses, and careers. But along with crisis, comes opportunity and this applies to medical sales. Don’t wait until to the next crisis to think about what you’re going to do. Leverage recent events and get the benefits now. Listen for some ideas how you can aid your customers and build relationships while standing out from competitors.
Get a FREE Video Mini Training Course:
“How to Create & Sell Irresistible Value in Medical Sales.” CLICK HERE FOR FREE COURSE ACCESS
Medical sales representatives often leave money on the table by ignoring these readily available resources. Great things happen when you use what’s available to you.
It’s all here on this episode of the Medical Sales Guru Podcast. Just click the play button at the bottom of this post.
Did you know you can also listen on iTunes? Just search “Medical Sales Guru.”
Get a FREE Video Mini Training Course:
“How to Create & Sell Irresistible Value in Medical Sales.” CLICK HERE FOR FREE COURSE ACCESS
In medical sales, mindset matters. Think about this . . .
Most medical reps set out on sales calls with the mindset of it being a solo event. In other words, one sales call where the customer buys or doesn’t buy.
This is looking at it all wrong. There’s a more realistic way to look at your sales efforts. You can learn about it by listing to this episode.
Please like us on iTunes if you find this helpful. Thanks!
Too often when speaking with medical sales representatives about how one of their colleagues succeeded, some suggest, “Yeah, but my customers are different.”
Everyone is unique…in some ways. But healthcare professionals and other buyers have too much in common to dismiss. So, I think we should talk about it . . .
And that’s what we’ll do here on this episode. Join me and see if you agree…and by all means, if you don’t, say something in the comment section below.
Medical sales representatives succeed when they sell. Therefore, most seek time with customers for product-focused conversations. When selling to healthcare professionals however, this might be a better option. Check it out. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.
Most of us hate that word, and for good reason. Yet, if you learn to embrace it, as a medical sales professional, it can be your best friend. This episode my redefine the way you look at your sales calls from now on. Check it out!
Answer this question: What do you do? Some medical reps struggle with this question, or don’t really give it any thought. Ready for a fresh perspective . . . fresh as in “a little out there?” Give it a shot! It might just might provide you with a better understanding of what your job function really is.