What Business Would Your Customers Say That You’re In?

Medical sales professionals see themselves as wearing many different hats.  Most people, including your customer, really have no idea as to what your entire day is like.  Your customers often see you in the way that you engage them most regularly.  So, what business would they say that you’re in?  In this podcast episode, I discuss the answer to this question along with a reminder to the “other business” you had better be in as well.


One thought on “What Business Would Your Customers Say That You’re In?”

  1. Mace,

    Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your podcasts and have recently finished your book and loved it. You are my favorite educational speaker, and I get my best medical sales advice from you. I was wondering if you have or are ever thinking about putting together a CD set? Even a compilation of your podcasts would be great. As a sales professional I have lots of drive time, and would really like to listen to you on the road. Just a thought:-)

    Thanks for all you do! Goooo Gators!!!

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