Category Archives: Uncategorized

Selling Around the GPO Obstacle in Medical Sales

One of the things I’m most commonly asked about is how to deal with GPOs and other corporate contracts when they become an obstacle to the sale. Listen to this episode if you want to learn about the key activities you must focus on if you want to succeed in an environment where corporate contracts are the norm.

Download the FREE resource guide: 
Secrets of Positioning Products and Services
to Healthcare Providers and Institutions”
It includes a step-by-step exercise that walks you through a positioning strategy for any healthcare product or service.  This could literally be worth thousands of dollars to you! 


How an Intense Sales Focus Solves All Problems in Medical Sales

If you’re in medical sales, there are more reasons to develop an intense sales focus besides just making more sales.

Welcome to the world of medical sales. Your world is complicated, competitive, and compromised. Your sales numbers might look good right now, but in your heart, you know you’re not making the sales effort that your company expects and you’re income isn’t increasing as you would like.

What is the cause and how do you solve it?

In this session, Mace Horoff reveals many of the daily challenges that compete with your ability to sell more. He also offers some valuable insight on how you can gain control, and even more importantly, why this will benefit you in ways beyond just making more sales.

If you’re ready to sell more, secure your business, and become a hero to your customers and managers without working harder, this podcast is for you!

Thanks for listening to The Medical Sales Guru Podcast.

Want to know 7 Things That Medical Reps Do to Kill Sales and How to Avoid Them? CLICK HERE to download a FREE 10 page report that can save you from years of frustration and wasted effort.


A Discussion of Things That Affect Medical Sales Performance

This is a relaunch of The Medical Sales Guru Podcast. In this episode, Mace discusses many factors that affect your medical sales performance such as:

  • Why podcasts are valuable to medical sales reps
  • What you need to do to learn the skills and content to sell more effectively
  • Why you need to understand how your customers learn so you know how to sell to them
  • How to pressure-proof your presentations
  • Knowing who your real competitor is
  • How to stop working for free (which you might do on occasion, even though you’re collecting a paycheck)
  • Why you didn’t get into medical sales to make a living (it’s not what you think…listen and see if you agree)
  • Why you need to invest in your own success or you’re in big trouble
  • Why what you know doesn’t matter

Thanks for listening to The Medical Sales Guru Podcast.

Want to know 7 Things That Medical Reps Do to Kill Sales and How to Avoid Them? CLICK HERE to download a FREE 10 page report that can save you from years of frustration and wasted effort.


The Changing Model for O.R. Medical Sales Reps

I get asked this question often: “Is the model for reps who sell to operating rooms changing?” The answer is yes, as I also wrote about in The Medical Sales Blog. The most important thing that any rep who sells devices to operating rooms can do…is discussed in this podcast. It’s too important not to pay attention!

If this is a message that your healthcare sales team needs to hear, I’d be happy to deliver it at your next National Sales Meeting. Give me a call at 561.333.8080 and I’ll discuss exactly how I can help your sales team to drive profitable sales into the future.

Please comment with respect to the changing model for OR medical sales reps in the comments section below.


Why You’re Probably Positioning Your Product Wrong and How to Fix It

I love sitting in the lobby bar the evening before a sales meeting where I’m presenting. I often get to overhear salespeople and their managers talking about the finer points of salesmanship. They often say things such as, “You have to ask for the business” or “Sales is a relationship business.”

A common piece of rhetoric is, “You have to position your product effectively.”  That is a very true statement. In fact, it’s one with which the listeners of this advice always nod in agreement…only they don’t do it.

The next day during the customized medical sales seminar, when the topic of positioning comes up, most people are clueless. Few people can define it. Even fewer can actually position their product in a specific and effective way.

But there’s hope…and this week’s Medical Sales Guru podcast will at least get you thinking about how you can position your products more specifically and effectively. The better you position your product, the more sales you’re going to make.

Listen to the podcast and then please leave a comment below. Thanks.


The truth about closing, follow-up & not wasting your time in medical sales

Have you ever made a sales call that seemed to go great. The doctor or other HCP seemed truly interested and said s/he would be in touch. Then they never call. And when you try to follow up, they block you. The HCP won’t return your calls and emails, the receptionist won’t let you in or give you an appointment. What happened? What changed? How can you prevent this from happening in the future? Don’t blame the customer when you’re the one at fault. The good news is that the stress and frustration associated with this scenario can be avoided.

It’s all here in this episode of the Medical Sales Guru Podcast.


The Sales Evangelist Interviews Mace Horoff about Dealing with Reluctant Customers

Medical sales expert Mace HoroffRecently, I had the honor of being interviewed by Donald Kelly, The Sales Evangelist. Donald asked some killer questions about sales and I think my answers will help you in your sales efforts. I’m talking pretty fast so there’s a lot of content here!

I encourage you to subscribe to The Sales Evangelist Podcast on iTunes (free) or listen to the interview HERE (free) at The Sales Evangelist website.

Medical Sales Mind Games in the Parking Lot

Businessman in the carThe outcome of many sales calls in medical sales is defined before you’re even in front of the customer.  In fact, that outcome is often defined while you’re sitting in your car in the parking lot.  Here’s some ideas so you don’t sabotage yourself with the stupid mind games too many sales representatives play in the parking lot.


Medical Sales: Positioning is Everything

Sales and marketing managers talk about the importance of product positioning.  Sales representatives nod in agreement—and then most fail to position their products or services effectively.  What is product positioning, why is it important, and what is the best way to do it when selling in healthcare?  In this episode of The Medical Sales Guru Podcast, Mace Horoff discusses effective product positioning so you can engage your prospects and customers  in ways that make them want to buy!
